Tuesday, July 18, 2017


Name : Dwi Wahyuni Wulandari
Class : 3EB06
NPM : 23214327

Google to stop supporting Nexus and Pixel devices
Tech giant Google has revealed its intention to stop supporting Nexus and Pixel smartphones.
On its updated support page, as quoted by Engadget, Google said it would launch the latest Android updates for Pixel and Pixel XL in October next year.
"After two years, we can't guarantee more updates," the statement said, referring to Google Pixel and Pixel XL smartphones that were launched last year.
The company will only provide services for both devices' security updates and telephone or online support until October 2019.


Google // to stop supporting // nexus and pixel devices
    S                  P                                O

Google is a subject in the first sentence. To stop functioned as a verb (irregular verb). Supporting is a gerund explaining the noun. Nexus and Pixel devices functioned as a noun.

Tech giant Google // has revealed // its intention // to stop supporting // Nexus and Pixel                                                                                                              S                           P                   O                       P                            O

Tech giant Google is a noun phrase. Tech giant is a determiner of the word, Google as a noun. Has is a to be used in present perfect tense. Revealed a past participle form of reveal. Its is a possessive pronoun of ‘it’. Intention is a noun. To stop is a part of irregular verb. Supporting is a gerund explaining the noun. Nexus and Pixel devices functioned as a noun.
On its updated support page, // as quoted by Engadget, // Google // said // it // would launch
         C (adverb of time)                    O                         S         P      S          P 
the latest Android updates for Pixel and Pixel XL in October next year.
                  P                                O                  C (adverb of time)

On functioned as preposition. Its refered to ‘Google’ as a subject being discussed about in the news and functioned as a possessive pronoun of ‘it’. Updated support page is a noun. Updated functioned as a verb. Support is the determiner of the word page as a noun. As functioned as a conjunction. Quoted is a past participle form of quote. By is a preposition. Engadget is a noun. Google is a subject. Said is a past form of word ‘say’. Would is a modal verb. Launch functioned as a verb. The latest android updates is a noun phrase. The is the determiner of the word latest is an adjective to modify the word and ‘android updates’. Which functioned as a noun. For is a preposition. Pixel and Pixel XL is an noun. In functioned as a preposition. October next year functioned as an adverb of time.

"After two years, we can't guarantee more updates," the statement said, // referring to //
                                S                                                                             P
Google Pixel and Pixel XL smartphones that were launched last year.

After two years functioned as an adverb of time. We is a pronoun. Can’t is a modal verb. guarantee functioned as a first form of verb. More is a comparative along with much and many and can be used for expressing quanity or numbers. Updates is a noun. The is a determiner of the word statement as a noun. Said functioned as past form. Referring to is verb+ing followed by Google as noun. Pixel and Pixel XL smartphones functioned as a noun. That is an essential clause. Were is the auxiliary as well as the linking verb for launched last year and belong to the second or past tense of the word are. Launched last year is functioned as adverb of time.

The company // will only provide // services for both devices' security updates and telephone
       S                       P                                                    O
or online support // until October 2019.
                             C (adverb of time)

The is the determiner of the word company as a noun. Will functioned as a modal verb. Only is an adjective. Provide functioned as a verb. Services functioned as a noun. For is a coordinate conjunction. Both is a word followed by devices’ security updates as a noun. And is a conjunction to join with ‘telephone or online’ as a noun. Support  functioned as a noun. Until October 2019 is an adverb of time.

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